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建材认证常见测试标准 信息发布时间:2013-07-31

EN 14342:2005 EN 14342:2005 - Wood flooring - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking.
EN14342:2005, 木地板-特性, 符合评估和CE标志  
EN 14041:2004 EN 14041:2004 - Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Essential characteristics
EN 14041:2004 – 弹性,纺织和强化地板-基本特性  
EN 14411:200 EN 14411:2003 - Ceramic tiles - Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking
EN 14411:2003-瓷砖-定义,分类,特性和标志  
EN 12058:2004 EN 12058:2004 - Natural stone products - Slabs for floors and stairs – Requirements
EN 13162:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made mineral wool(MW)products-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产矿棉产品-规格
EN 13163:2001 Thermal insulation products for building-Factory made products of expanded polystyrene(EPS)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产膨胀聚苯乙烯(EPS)产品-规格
EN 13164:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam(XPS)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产聚苯乙烯泡沫(XPS)产品-规格
EN 13165:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made rigid polyurethane foam(PUR)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产聚亚安酯泡沫(PUR)产品-规格
EN 13166:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made products of phenolic foam(PF)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产石炭酸泡沫(PF)产品-规格
EN 13167:2001 Thermal insulation products for building-Factory made cellular glass(CG)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产泡沫玻璃(CG)产品-规格
EN 13168:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made wood wool(WW)-Specificatio
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产木丝(WW)产品-规格
EN 131369:2001 Thermal insulation products for building-Factory made products of expanded perlite(EPB)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产发泡珍珠岩(EPB)产品-规格
EN 13170:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made products of expanded cork(ICB)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产胀紧软木(ICB)产品-规格
EN 13171:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made wood fibre(WF)-Specification
EN 13162:2001-建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产木纤维(WF)产品-规格
EN 13172:2001 Thermal insulating products-Evaluation of conformity


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